Lyman for Governor

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Lyman for Governor

Hello Utah!

On October 30, I formally announced my candidacy to be Utah’s next Governor. We can’t believe this campaign has been underway for a month and a half. In the last month I’ve been assembling a great team to build my campaign. I’ve been attending meetings with voters non-stop. And I’ve been building my fundraising foundation.

I NEED your help!


I won’t sugarcoat this. Our state is slowly slipping away towards becoming something most Utahns don’t recognize. We don’t need to “disagree better,’ we need to Stand for Something.

I’ve taken tough stands for the principles I believe in, and I will stand for limited government and individual liberty. I will make sure Utah is a strong state that can act as a bulwark between you and our overreaching federal government. I strongly believe I can win this race, but I need to raise a serious amount of money before the end of the year. As a state legislator I will be barred from raising money during the legislative session, so I need to have the funds I need to prepare for the caucus/convention by January.

Today is the last day of the month of November, and I just need 20 donors to support my campaign to hit my goal of getting 100 donors in the first month.


Thanks so much!

Phil Lyman

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