Welcome to Write In Phil Lyman Headquarters!

UPDATE (10/26): Richard and Carol Lyman Withdraw; PHIL LYMAN STILL RUNNING!!
UPDATE (10/16): Legislative Audit Confirms Lyman's Claims: SPENCER COX FALLS SHORT ON SIGNATURES!
Even though the other Lymans have dropped out (more info here, here, and here), please still write in Phil's first and last name in order for your vote to count for Phil. Don't forget to fill in the bubble! On the LG line, it is best to write Natalie Clawson, but since Utah is a voter intent state, as long as it is clear that you are voting for the PHIL Lyman team, your vote will count.

We truly believe Utah can do better than four more years with a governor who has led our state with an eye towards left-leaning, globalist policy instead of conservative, Constitutional principles. Utah needs proven conservative leadership starting from the top with Phil Lyman as governor!
Write-In Campaign Information
We are running a write-in campaign because Spencer Cox and his administration have provided zero transparency and zero verification of the key elements of the Republican primary election. Utah deserves at least some token of sincerity in verifying our election results.
Governor Cox and Lieutenant Governor Henderson continue to obstruct access to the list of people that signed his nomination petition; thus we cannot verify that he legitimately qualified for the primary ballot. Previous court decisions on SB54 strongly suggest there should not have been a 2024 Republican primary for governor after I emerged as the sole Republican Party nominee at the convention. The primary election results cannot be verified because Cox and Henderson demand that county clerks withhold basic elections records.
Cox created this crisis of confidence, and we will not be bullied into backing down. We will continue to stand strong for truth, and for Utah.
PRESS RELEASE: Phil Lyman Responds to Misleading Media Coverage Surrounding Richard Lyman Withdrawal
Cox's Ballot Scandal Explained
PRESS RELEASE: Lyman Files Appeal to U.S. Supreme Court
Legislative Audit Confirms Lyman's Claims: SPENCER COX FALLS SHORT ON SIGNATURES!
Why I'm Running for Governor
Executive Summary: Phil Lyman’s Election Security Battle
Did the Cox Campaign Recruit and Pay Richard Lyman?
The Ball is in Cox’s Court
Read the Campaign's Latest News
Comparing the Candidates

Policy Platform: Key Points
1) Making our economy work for Utah families. This means using the principles of free markets, limited regulation, and low taxes to make homes affordable again. It also means committing to reducing the size of government, pushing back against federal overreach, and empowering county government. We must enact meaningful tax cuts to ease Utahns’ tax burden.
Lyman Economic Policy
Lyman Housing Policy
2) Putting an end to government corruption. Our state under the current leadership has fallen in a habit of corrupt practices including nepotism, pay-to-play schemes, lack of transparency, and repeated conflicts of interest. There should be no double standards for the elite or friends of government officials. Government should represent the people.
A Blueprint for Combating Corruption
Lyman Video Statement on Corruption with Sources
Conflicts of Interest at Big League Utah?
Follow Phil on X for more on corruption in Utah
3) Getting illegal immigration under control. We must end our sanctuary state status, and stop allowing other states and cities to export their illegal immigrants to Utah. The widespread impact hurts Utah families as the ripple effects are felt in the economy, our housing supply, and increasing crime. Intelligent policy balances compassion and compliance with the law.
Enough is Enough (Statement on recent illegal immigrant crimes)
“New Americans” and the Left’s Deceitful Word Games
Lyman Video Statement on Immigration
Lyman Immigration Policy
4) Standing up for conservative principles. We support the Second Amendment, which is clear as written, and have long promoted the importance of personhood, parenthood, and statehood. We must protect the sanctity of life. We must also restore the primary role of the family in our children’s lives and return schools to their traditional role of teaching foundational academics. Our children should never be on the front lines of the “culture wars.”
How Can I Help?
We appreciate your support! Here are some things you can do:
* Post that you're writing in Phil Lyman, and why, on your social media. A short video is even better. Please emphasize that he's a write-in candidate!
*Use the following as flyers to share with friends, family, and neighbors. If you're able to pass these out in your neighborhood, that really helps get the message out.
Half Page Print-at-Home Flyer
Comparison Flyer
Election Transparency Executive Summary
*If you're able to donate, any amount helps us to get our message out across the state. We appreciate any donation you're able to give.