Spencer Cox Falls Short on Signatures!

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Spencer Cox Falls Short on Signatures!

October 16, 2024

The Legislative Audit Committee ordered an audit of the signatures Spencer Cox gathered to qualify for the primary election. Although the audit is still in progress, auditors have informed the legislature that Cox likely failed to collect the required number of signatures. As with most audits, a statistical review was conducted to guide the full investigation, and this initial review—by the Office of the Legislative Auditor General—strongly suggests that Cox did not meet the necessary threshold.

In stark contrast, Phil Lyman clearly qualified for the general election ballot by winning the Republican State Convention with 68% of the delegate vote. It’s deeply ironic that those who disqualify candidates over technicalities and reject thousands of ballots based on questionable postmark dates are now bending over backward to excuse Cox, who appears to have failed to meet a fundamental legal requirement. The media and some elected officials rushing to make excuses for Cox couldn’t be more blatant in their bias. To those defending Cox, we say: Stop it. Stop distorting the audit findings, stop gaslighting the public, and stop pushing false narratives. The auditors’ findings are clear: Spencer Cox likely failed to gather 28,000 valid signatures.

Claims that Cox "did everything asked of him" or that he couldn’t submit more signatures after allegedly reaching the threshold are undermining the people of Utah. When we hear, "We’ll fix this in four years so it doesn’t happen again" or "Better luck next time," it’s nothing but political deflection.

Cox, the first incumbent governor in Utah history to fail to qualify for a primary at the convention, opted to gather signatures instead. The fact that he could have submitted more signatures if he knew he was short is irrelevant—he failed to meet the legal requirement. We are thus baffled by the statements from legislative and executive leaders that Cox “fulfilled the requirements to qualify to be on the ballot.” This audit shows precisely the opposite. 

At this point, it’s evident: Cox did not qualify, and the ballots need to be reprinted. We call on the Utah GOP and Cox's supporters to prioritize transparency and accountability in our elections. If they fail to do so, the actions of the legislature, judiciary, State Records Committee, and all those pushing the false narrative that Cox qualified should be recognized for what they are—a farce.

We committed to verifying the election before accepting the results, and we stand by that. We hope Utah stands with us. One way to do that is to contact your elected officials and urge them not to certify the election until these critical questions are answered. Another way is to write in Phil Lyman for Governor.

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