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Stand For What’s Right Utahns want a Governor who isn’t afraid to stand for what’s right. They want a strong, conservative leader who is guided by his principles. That leader is Phil Lyman! Spencer Cox is okay with the
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Sounding the Alarm on the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” In 2019, Natalie Gochnour, who holds leadership positions at both the University of Utah and the Salt Lake Chamber, penned a Deseret News op-ed in favor of Utah leading the Fourth Industrial Revolutio
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The Globalist Agenda Needs To Be Stopped The United States’ participation in the World Health Organization is a topic that receives regular attention because of the valid concern that this global, and globalist, organization will override
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Happy Tax Day… As a CPA, April 15 has always been an important day throughout my career. It is around this time that I have to notify my clients about how much they owe in taxes. Our tax code is so complicated that
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Do you think about your “Roman Empire”? As part of a recent viral trend on social media, women would ask their husbands or boyfriends how often they think about the “Roman Empire” while making a video of the response. These women
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Government Needs to Stay in Its Lane Earlier this week I was driving North from my home in Blanding, Utah to the State Capitol in Salt Lake, where I serve in the State Legislature. It was dark. It was raining. As I passed the Point of th
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