Phil Lyman's
Immigration Policy


  • Nullify ICE regulations and support our sheriffs
  • End Sanctuary State Designation
  • Facilitate Legal Immigraton
  • Stand against illegal immigration in Utah
  • Conduct a top-down review of Utah’s immigration policies
  • Additional state-level measures
Immigration Policy
Nullify ICE regulations and support our sheriffs

Sheriffs are doing their job, but our current policies undermine them. The state should nullify ICE regulations related to detaining non-citizens. If jails are good enough for citizens, they should be good enough for non-citizens. Individuals who are a threat to our communities should not be released back into the community.

Stand against illegal immigration in Utah

According to the US Constitution, it is the federal government’s job to protect the states against invasion. Utah should send National Guard members to Texas but we should also insist on legal citizenship here in Utah. It’s imperative to streamline the legal immigration process, making it more accessible for those seeking to come to America legally. A secure border, followed by a rational, legal immigration process is the only way we can ensure that our infrastructure, housing supply, and labor markets put the needs of American families first while also helping to stem the recent surge in crime committed by illegal immigrants. The intentional opening of borders to aims to overwhelm states like Utah, requiring individuals to reject complicity in undermining communities by not standing up against it.

Conduct a top-down review of Utah’s immigration policies

The Constitution gives substantial power to governors to stop an invasion that the federal government fails to stop. States are free to assess the level of threat and, in the absence of action by the federal government, to protect their boundaries themselves. We must stop following policies that reward illegal immigration, especially by those with criminal intent.

Additional State-Level Measures

I will also put all additional constitutional measures on the table to address this important issue. Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 doesn’t just allow states to utilize military resources to stop an invasion. The Constitution also allows the states to enact new import duties/taxes and to enter into interstate compacts with other states without the need for consent from Congress. The Constitution says nothing about needing the consent of a negligent President. I pledge to thoroughly evaluate and consider all constitutionally permitted policies that can help protect the God-given rights of Utahns against this invasion by illegal immigrants.

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