Trump And I are Cut From The Same Cloth

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Trump And I are Cut From The Same Cloth

What’s the difference between President Trump and Phil Lyman? It’s certainly not the fact they both have a mugshot, courtesy of Big Brother.

According to Phil, “President Trump and I are cut from the same cloth. We’ve both set aside our thriving business careers to devote ourselves to public service. And we were both repaid in the same way: the government abused its power to arrest us and take our mugshot photos. But, they didn’t do this to punish us. The did it to send a message to Americans that they better not stand up to government overreach.

But we’ll NEVER stop standing up for Americans. We’ll NEVER stop FIGHTING for individual rights. We’ll NEVER bow down to the Deep State.”

In order to keep on fighting, Phil Lyman needs reinforcements. Please join the Lyman Team! You might even consider a donation, of any amount, to help me oust Utah’s WOKE Governor.


President Trump needs Pro-MAGA Governors if he has any chance of fighting back against the corrupt Deep State after he wins in November. Let’s give him the best; a strong MAGA ally in Utah.

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