I’m Passionate about Utah’s Lands; Here’s Why…

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I’m Passionate about Utah’s Lands; Here’s Why…

As someone who has seen his best friends killed as a consequence of federal overreach and control of our public lands, it surprises me that our state hasn’t done more to control the resources and lands within our borders.


When I see magazine covers boasting that we’re the #1 state in the nation, I have to wonder what they mean by “state.” At best, we’re the nation’s #1 federally managed colony. Between the directors of the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service, two unelected administrators in Washington D.C. have more control over what happens on Utah land than the governor of our state.

Utah has so much potential; I’m running for Governor to help us realize that potential. Will you rush a donation to help me protect our land and realize our potential?

Just a few of my policy positions on Utah’s Land Use include:

  • State Institutional Trust Lands (SITLA) Reform
  • Federal Natural Resources Policy Account
  • Roads Will Stay OPEN
  • State Transfer of Public Lands

You can read all about my full land policy here.

Protecting and using our land for the right reasons is near and dear to my heart. Not only have I seen my best friends killed over this, but I was also arrested and indicted as a result of standing up to the federal government to protect our land.

Thankfully, President Trump stood with me and pardoned me. I hope you’ll stand with me, too.

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