Press Release – Phil Lyman Announces Natalie Clawson as His Pick for Lieutenant Governor

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Press Release – Phil Lyman Announces Natalie Clawson as His Pick for Lieutenant Governor



May 3, 2024

SALT LAKE CITY — Today, Phil Lyman announced Natalie Clawson to be his selection for Lieutenant Governor. The selection was made following a decision today wherein a District Court judge declared Lyman’s former selection, Layne Bangerter to be ineligible.

“I am thrilled to be joined by Natalie in this campaign,” Lyman said. “She brings an impressive skill set, connections, integrity, and experience to the office that will be vital as we move Utah back to the right direction.”

“The energy surrounding Phil Lyman’s campaign is contagious throughout the state,” Clawson said. “I am honored to be part of it and can’t wait to get to work. Utahns are done with politicians who don’t listen. I will be a champion for parents and for individual rights. We are committed to supporting the values that make our state great.”

Natalie Clawson is a Utah County native and graduated from BYU with a B.S. in Political Science and a Juris Doctorate degree. She was admitted to the Utah State Bar in 2003.

With a deep love of America, Natalie has been involved with politics in various capacities at the local grassroots level. As a sponsor of the Secure Vote Utah initiative, Natalie will bring more transparency to our election systems in the lieutenant governor’s office.

Natalie has researched and published on issues related to law and religious freedom. She worked for BYU’s Center for International Law and Religion Studies. Through this work she has become a strong defender of the First Amendment and religious freedom.

Serving in her school community as a PTA and School Community Council member, Natalie has had opportunities to advise on educational policies and to actively fight to support and protect our children.

Natalie and her husband Craig are the parents of five children. They currently reside in Highland.


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