Phil Lyman

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Defending Our Caucus Dear State Delegate, The last week has been a firestorm in the governors race after I announced a write-in campaign, and I wanted to reach out to you directly to let you know that I am not w
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The Ball is in Cox's Court For those of you that are concerned that my write-in campaign has the potential to split the Republican vote and increase the possibility that a Democrat might win, please note that it is Spence
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Did Phil Lyman Endorse Brian King? This morning, Democrat candidate for governor Brian King released a video ad where he and I “disagreed better” that Spencer Cox should not remain governor. This video was a spoof of Cox’s #disag
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Lyman/Clawson Announce Write-In Campaign GOP convention nominee for governor Phil Lyman and running mate Natalie Clawson have announced that they are prepared to stand as write-in candidates for the general election on November 5, 2024
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PRESS RELEASE: Lyman Submits Preliminary Injunction to Prevent Printing of Ballots until Utah Supreme Court Ruling on Contested Election PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 12, 2024 Lyman submits motion for expedited preliminary injunction to prevent printing of ballots unti
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PRESS RELEASE: Lyman Files Petition with Utah Supreme Court PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 2, 2024 Lyman for Utah Campaign Files Petition for Extraordinary Writ with Utah Supreme Court S
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Thank You for Your Support! Thank you for your support during the primary election. We went from a relatively unknown quantity to winning 46% of the vote against an incumbent governor, and that includes a number of factors such
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What Spencer Cox Really Thinks Spencer Cox called thousands of voters “irrelevant” and “full of hate” because they didn’t support him. It doesn’t matter to him that these are his constituents. Spencer Cox wants you to
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VIDEO: The Lyman Story In Case You Missed It: we just released a new video, “Truth Recaptured: The Lyman Story,” to give Jody Lyman and her children the chance to share the truth about the special prosecution and story
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Here’s What You Can Expect From Me As the conservative choice for governor, here’s what you can expect from me: You can count on me to govern with conservative, constitutional principles, with the goal of protecting ou
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