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Government Needs to Stay in Its Lane Earlier this week I was driving North from my home in Blanding, Utah to the State Capitol in Salt Lake, where I serve in the State Legislature. It was dark. It was raining. As I passed the Point of th
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Defending Texas As we watch Texas defend itself against the invasion of it’s southern border, and now defend itself against the threat of lawsuit from the Biden administration, we have to ask – does the fed
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The Only “No” Vote Yesterday the Utah House of Representative voted on HB 61, and I was the only legislator to vote against it. This bill is called the Water Measuring and Accounting Amendments, and on a simple level it
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Elections and the 4th Industrial Revolution Some in Utah have recently called Utah’s economy “elite.” One definition of elite is “a group or class of people seen as having the greatest power and influence within a society, especia
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Are You Paying More Taxes in Utah? The Utah establishment and their friends in the media didn’t like that I called out that we’re paying for a blowout blue-state budget that has grown from $21 billion to $29 billion during Go
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Let’s Fund Our Education System with Trust Land Returns Instead of Property Taxes The lands contained within the state of Utah have shaped who we are as a people, and as I drive across this state with diverse landscapes and abundant resources, I believe we could be so much mo
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It’s Time We Put Utah’s Children and Families at the Forefront of Utah’s Education System America’s public K-12 schools should prioritize learning, merit, transparency and civic pride – and when it comes to decisions that affect the education, health and moral development of thei
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Governor Cox’s Big Blue State Budget: Get Out Your Wallet Governor Cox released his proposed budget for the upcoming year, and it’s yet another blowout, blue-state budget. For context, from the first quarter of 2021, when Governor Cox took o
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Utahns Are Taxed Like They Live in a Blue State Utah’s state and local tax burden is too high. According to the Tax Foundation, Utah has the 23rd highest state and local tax burden of all the 50 states. Only three red states have a
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Lyman for Governor Hello Utah! On October 30, I formally announced my candidacy to be Utah’s next Governor. We can’t believe this campaign has been underway for a month and a half. In the last month I
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