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The Impact of Illegal Immigration on Utah’s Housing Market Utah’s housing market has become unaffordable for everyday Utahns. This isn’t an issue that’s come out of nowhere. There are fingers to point, and bad government leaders to be pointed at. Govern
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Why Utahns Are Taxed Like They Live in a Blue State… Utah’s state and local tax burden is too high According to the Tax Foundation, Utah has the 23rd highest state and local tax burden of all the 50 states. Only three red states have a
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I’m Passionate about Utah’s Lands; Here’s Why… As someone who has seen his best friends killed as a consequence of federal overreach and control of our public lands, it surprises me that our state hasn’t done more to control the resources
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Suspending the Signature Gathering When voters have asked me why I’m gathering signatures, I often explain that it’s like running the option in a football game. Running the option is a dangerous play, because the defense doesn’t
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I wanted to share my thoughts on the border with you… Our Southern Border is being invaded. There’s no denying it. Millions of illegal immigrants are FLOODING into our nation, and we have a President who refuses to stop the hemorrhaging.
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Do you think about your “Roman Empire”? As part of a recent viral trend on social media, women would ask their husbands or boyfriends how often they think about the “Roman Empire” while making a video of the response. These women
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It’s Time We Put Utah’s Children and Families at the Forefront of Utah’s Education System America’s public K-12 schools should prioritize learning, merit, transparency and civic pride – and when it comes to decisions that affect the education, health and moral development of thei
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Governors Should Use All of Their Powers to Stop the Invasion of our Southern Border As we watch Texas defend itself against the invasion of it’s southern border, and now defend itself against the threat of lawsuit from the Biden administration, we have to ask – does the fed
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You Know Phil Lyman From This When President Trump pardoned him after the Federal Government abused its power and attacked him for standing up for Utah. But this is how his community knows him… Phil Lyman i
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Trump And I are Cut From The Same Cloth What’s the difference between President Trump and Phil Lyman? It’s certainly not the fact they both have a mugshot, courtesy of Big Brother. According to Phil, “President Trump an
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