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Press Release – Phil Lyman Disappointed in Ruling Against Bangerter Eligibility PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 3, 2024 SALT LAKE CITY — The Lyman for Utah Campaign is disappointed to announce that the Honorable Matthew Bates has ruled Layne Bangerter is ineligible t
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I Won’t Take Any Votes for Granted I am extremely proud to have won 67.5% of the vote at Utah’s State Republican Nominating Convention! Thanks to the support of hardworking delegates, I have the honor of being the Republican Pa
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Thank you, Utah! I am proud to announce that I have won Utah’s Republican State Nominating Convention in my campaign for Governor. I am beyond grateful for the unwavering support that I have received. I mean it fro
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Sounding the Alarm on the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” In 2019, Natalie Gochnour, who holds leadership positions at both the University of Utah and the Salt Lake Chamber, penned a Deseret News op-ed in favor of Utah leading the Fourth Industrial Revolutio
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The Globalist Agenda Needs To Be Stopped The United States’ participation in the World Health Organization is a topic that receives regular attention because of the valid concern that this global, and globalist, organization will override
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Our Housing Market… I’ve been meeting with Utah voters and Republican delegates, and in every meeting, I am inevitably asked about our failing housing market. While Utah’s housing market had become more competi
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My Immigration Plan I just released my plan to protect Utah against illegal immigration. Read about it here! IMMIGRATION POLICY It’s no secret that there’s a crisis at our border and in our to
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“Social Emotional Learning” in Utah Schools One of the most troubling concerns regarding globalist meddling in the state of Utah is their role in shaping the values of our children, not just in the universities, but at the K-12 level.
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Happy Tax Day… As a CPA, April 15 has always been an important day throughout my career. It is around this time that I have to notify my clients about how much they owe in taxes. Our tax code is so complicated that
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561,797 Starter homes destroyed Federal Land Mismanagement Fuels Housing Crisis Federal mismanagement of public land is one of the top reasons housing has become too expensive. Cartels of radical environmentalist lawy
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